Savage/Meléndez & Associates, LLC

Singular Consultants

Ten Steps for Developing a Strategic Plan You Can Actually Use

Step One

The Board Chair and the CEO select a planning committee from members of the board who have knowledge of and commitment to planning. If your board doesn’t include anyone with this experience, you may wish to include one or two external members to the committee.

Step Two

Choose a chairperson for the committee – preferably someone who has been through at least one extensive strategic planning process.

Step Three

Select one or a few staff members to serve on the committee (as participant observers.

Step Four

Develop a process for including all staff members in discussions about the planning.

Step Five

Members of the committee interview a representative sampling of stakeholders (clients, donors, relevant nonprofits, staff) as part of your SWOT (strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats) analysis.

Step Six

Conduct an environmental scan (what is new in your field, who else is working in your field, how do you compare, has the political and/or economic climate changed?).

Step Seven

Review your vision and mission and determine their current relevance.

Step Eight

Review recent evaluations and assessments of your work.

Step Nine

Develop clear, measurable goals and objectives and the strategies/activities to be used.

Step Ten

Be sure to develop a calendar for implementation, and include an evaluation process in the plan.

This should get you started. If you think you need to learn more before you can do this work, please take a look at our workshops, where you or your staff members can learn more. If you find that you don’t have the time or staff who can take on the work, you may need to hire professional help. In that case, give us a call.